Outline of the Group
Our corporate group consists of four independent companies. We have profound experience and know-how about manufacture, distribution, food service and real estate, which are respectively our specialized fields. Each of us has high sales strategy, productivity and administrative ability and shows our potential to respond to our customer's needs. We're developing divers business to provide higher services.
May, 1935
Founded Matsushita Stoke Manufacturing in Takatsuki, Osaka.
Apr, 1954
Established Matsushita Stoke Industry Co., Ltd.
Jan, 1958
Constructed the head office building in Takatsuki, Osaka. (present address)
Jan, 1962
Altered the company name as Matsushita Metal Industry Co., Ltd.
Aug, 1970
Established Matsushita Business Co., Ltd.
Jul, 1973
Established Takatsuki Food Service Co., Ltd.
Oct, 1984
Established Matsushou Industries Co., Ltd.
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MEG - Matsushita Enterprise Group Since 1935. Copyright 2003 All rights reserved.   日本語ページ